On the Trail...

Stories of Sobriety and Adventure

 Going the Distance: Prioritizing Workouts for Ultramarathon Success

Going the Distance: Prioritizing Workouts for Ultramarathon Success

Ultramarathons, pushing beyond the traditional marathon distance, demand a unique blend of physical and mental fortitude. Completing such an event requires meticulous training, and prioritizing the right workouts is crucial for success. This article delves into the key elements of an effective ultramarathon training program, highlighting how to prioritize various workouts for optimal preparation.
A Structured Guide to Building Strength for Ultra-Runners

A Structured Guide to Building Strength for Ultra-Runners

This guide emphasizes the importance of strength training for ultra-runners to improve speed, efficiency, injury prevention, and overall enjoyment. It highlights the benefits, structure, key principles, and a sample 2-day split routine for lower and upper body workouts. Additional tips include consulting a trainer, incorporating plyometrics, focusing on quality over quantity, and being patient for results.
Finding My Stride in Sobriety: Why Ultrarunning and Recovery Run Hand in Hand

Finding My Stride in Sobriety: Why Ultrarunning and Recovery Run Hand in Hand

At first glance, the image of a runner pounding trails for dozens of miles might seem far removed from the quiet introspection of sobriety. Yet, delve deeper and you'll find a surprising number of individuals whose journeys in ultrarunning and recovery run deeply parallel, sharing surprising similarities. Why is this so? Are these two paths attracting similar personalities, or is something deeper at play? Let's lace up and explore the intriguing overlap between the ultramarathon course and the road to sobriety:
How an Ultrarunning Coach Can Help New Ultra Runners Reach Their Goals

How an Ultrarunning Coach Can Help New Ultra Runners Reach Their Goals

Ultrarunning is not your typical race. It’s about pushing your limits, overcoming mental barriers, and conquering extraordinary distances. If you're a new ultra runner, you may be feeling both excited and overwhelmed by the challenges that lie ahead. That's where an ultrarunning coach like Brian from Altitude Endurance Coaching can make all the difference.
 Conquering the Doubts: Embracing Your Strength for Your Ultramarathon Journey

Conquering the Doubts: Embracing Your Strength for Your Ultramarathon Journey

By acknowledging your doubts, building your confidence, and using the right strategies, you can silence the imposter and rewrite your internal narrative. You belong on that starting line, and you are strong enough to conquer this challenge. So lace up your shoes, take a deep breath, and embrace the adventure. The finish line awaits, and you have everything you need to reach it.
Conquering the Trails: Top 6 Cross-Training Ideas for Ultrarunners

Conquering the Trails: Top 6 Cross-Training Ideas for Ultrarunners

For ultrarunners, pushing boundaries is both a passion and a necessity. But pounding miles week after week can lead to burnout and injury. This is where cross-training comes in, your secret weapon for building endurance, preventing wear and tear, and keeping your training fun and fresh. Here are 6 cross-training ideas that will help you crush your ultra goals:
From Road Running to Trail Running: A Beginner's Journey in Ultra Running

From Road Running to Trail Running: A Beginner's Journey in Ultra Running

Are you an avid road runner looking to take your running experience to the next level? Have you ever considered trying ultra running? If not, let me introduce you to the exhilarating world of trail running and ultra races. In this blog post, we will take you through the basics of making the transition from road to trail, and offer some tips to help you get started in ultra running.
The Top 5 Myths About Ultrarunning Debunked

The Top 5 Myths About Ultrarunning Debunked

Now is a great time to start debunking these myths. Ultrarunning may seem like a sport reserved for superhumans, but the truth is, that anyone with the right mindset and training can become an ultrarunner. You don't have to be an elite athlete to tackle the long distances and challenging terrain.